Cantabrian Anchovy and Fino Wine

Curiosity about the wine Fino

Originally from the cellars of Jerez, in the Andalusian region of Spain, Fino wine is a dry and slightly salty wine obtained through the process of “organic cryance” under the veil of yeast. Its pale color, almond notes and distinctive freshness make it the ideal companion for fish and seafood dishes. Fino is famous for its elegance and culinary versatility.

The perfect match

The encounter between Cantabrico anchovy and Fino wine is a combination of flavors that enhances the complexity of both ingredients. The salinity of anchovies blends harmoniously with the brackish notes of Fino, creating a taste experience that balances the marine taste with the elegance of wine. 

Cooking tips

Carpaccio di Acciughe del Cantabrico: Try a carpaccio of Cantabrico anchovies, garnished with fresh parsley and a splash of lemon. Accompany with a well-chilled Fino for a refined and refreshing combination.

Anchovies in Tempura: revisit tempura with Cantabrian anchovies. Serve with a light lemon sauce and accompany with a glass of Fino for a crunchy and tasty experience.

Summer Bruschetta: prepare bruschetta with fresh tomatoes, anchovies from Cantabrico and a light sprinkling of black pepper. Accompany with a glass of Fino for a light and refreshing summer aperitif.

For more tips and tasty combinations read also the article on Albariño Wine


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